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 We are a community of families with students of all ages excelling in the performing arts! We believe in supporting all our students in not only becoming great artists but in living the life of one. We foster a positive spirit, leadership, work ethic, courage, teamwork leadership, and role modeling. We strive for excellence, professionalism, and a community-minded spirit! The Sears Studio environment upholds, supports, and celebrates the learning and growth of artists of all ages. Older students role model, foster, and support our younger generation and gain experience in shared leadership. Younger students learn by example and grow with everyone's inspirational and passionate support. Students audition or are invited to the group based on talent performance experience, attitude, and understanding of teamwork, support, and inclusivity. 


The students learn music, dance, and acting skills. The various lessons culminate into a showcase to perform at and compete in various venues including but not limited to the National Performing Arts Festival on Stage at Universal Studios,  The Florida State Fair, Art in the Park, Botanical Gardens, The Kids Fringe Festival, and more.


Meet The Team

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